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Top 14 Ways to Nurture Leads Through Effective Lead Magnet Strategies

21 Aug 2023

Bringing your target audience to the website might be easy because converting them into customers can be extremely challenging. It’s not a simple process, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it can be lengthy as well. That’s because you’ve to focus on consistent persuasion of your leads. This process is known as lead nurturing, which is about collecting leads. 

The higher number of leads promises higher chances of customer conversion. However, if you are struggling with a lead magnet and don’t know how to transform your leads into customers, we are sharing the details with you!

Understanding the Lead Magnet

Have you ever been on a website where you could get free resources if you provided your email address? You probably have, and that’s what the lead magnet is. A lead magnet is known as a valuable resource that your visitors get in return for their contact information. In most cases, the audience has to provide their email address. 

The lead magnets include research reports, eBooks, whitepapers, free access to software/apps, or coupons. Once you provide the lead magnet in exchange for the email address, the website owners tend to cross-sell or upsell their services, which is known as a nurturing sequence. For instance, if you are on a fitness website, a lead magnet would be a basic diet plan, and they will try to persuade you to purchase a personalized plan with hundreds of benefits (it will be paid, of course).

In the past few years, digital marketers have believed that lead magnets don’t work anymore, but the innovative ones still work. So, in the section below, we are sharing how you can maximize the benefits of a lead magnet!

1. An Origin Story

Storytelling is every brand’s best friend, especially when they want to lift the brand's presence. For this reason, it’s important that you’ve an origin story. These stories have the capacity to pull people towards a specific cause and convince them to purchase your products or services. For instance, Tesla is trying to sell high-margin and expensive electric cars to people who are trying to save the environment. 

This means that Tesla has an origin story that they want to save the environment by reducing the consumption of fuel. So, it’s time you analyze what your brand is trying to win and create a story accordingly. 

2. Targeted Lead Magnets

A lead magnet won’t work if they aren’t targeted. That’s because if you’ve a generic resource on the form, you will be able to generate leads, but it will be irrelevant. For instance, if you are managing a grooming brand for men and release a free article on “how to find the best beard trend on Pinterest?” it won’t work. That’s because Pinterest has 80% of female users. For this reason, you must focus on targeting. 

3. Different Lead Magnets for Different Funnel Stages

It’s needless to say that plan-based lead generation forms cannot determine the seriousness of the leads; lead magnet-based forms can help. For example, you can opt for BOFU content to capture the attention of the audience that has a higher conversion potential. That’s because the BOFU lead magnets are leveraged by people who have a deeper knowledge of your products and services.


They work when people have knowledge, but they haven’t made the purchasing decision. For those who don’t know, it’s aligned with your brand’s services and/or products. For instance, you can create a whitepaper that helps you learn how to use a specific product or service. In fact, a free trial for your product is also recommended. 

4. Give Teasers

One of the best ways of generating and nurturing leads is to give teasers related to your content. This way, you will be able to tease your users into providing email addresses for the lead magnets. For instance, you can add points related to your product or service’s value on the lead generation form. In particular, you can add actionable insights as well as broad headlines. 

You must remember that adding value to the specific lead magnet is important. You’ve to ensure that audience knows how a specific lead magnet can help them. 

5. Leverage Top-Notch Content

If you don’t have the time to create a lead magnet, it’s time to start with what you already have. We recommend going through the content library to determine one content piece that performs the best. For instance, you’ve to look for the highest-ranking book or the eBook with the highest downloads. In addition, it can be a webinar or a presentation deck with the highest views and attendees. 

Many brands don’t focus on it, but webinars, eBooks, and slide decks are great lead magnets, so leverage them. According to digital marketing experts, the top-performing content is the best lead magnet. However, if you’ve to use your previous content, make sure it’s available in a downloadable form. For instance, you can transform your blog into an eBook or a cheat sheet. 

6. Utilize Content Upgrades

The in-content lead magnets are usually incorporated into a current content resource. In most cases, they are used in blog posts, but you can add them to presentation decks and eBooks as well. For this reason, you can opt for content upgrades. These are downloadable versions of the content that the user is currently reading. 

These upgrades promise a higher conversion rate because there is more context. That’s because when the readers spend more time reading your content, they will find it useful. It’s a promising opportunity to offer a similar piece of content in a downloadable form. It will give them the freedom to use it whenever they want. On average, it can increase the conversion rate by 5%. 

7. eBooks Aren’t Everything

There is no denying the fact that eBooks are a handy and reliable resource. However, many customers don’t want eBooks only. You’ve to determine what type of resources your potential audience needs. For instance, if you have a studio, giving away a free course is the best way of capturing leads. So, it’s time you provide free courses to generate leads and draw attention. 

Another option is to design quizzes because they help collect leads. In case you are an expert in your field, you can provide mini-courses, whitepapers, eBooks, audio recordings, tests, and webinars. On the other hand, if you have an eCommerce store, you can offer free discount codes, free shipping, or a gift card. Also, if you sell software, you can provide a free trial or a demo. 

8. Bundled Packages

When multiple brands are offering free resources to website visitors, it’s obvious that you’ve to provide something even better. For this reason, you can start offering more than one resource. It’s recommended to offer a package of different resources. That’s because the audience will understand how valuable the bundled packages are.

9. Test the Lead Magnets

Lead magnets can be tested with the help of A/B testing. This is because it can help you determine the effectiveness and success of the lead magnet. That’s because even if the lead magnet is getting you a few sales, you can never be sure if they are enough. For this reason, you have to leverage A/B testing. You’ve to determine if these forms are increasing conversions. 

Secondly, you must test if the bundled package works better or a single resource. Keep in mind that you will have to test a variety of lead magnets to determine what performs the best. This will help you test the usability, design, and placement of these forms. 

10. Offer High-Quality Content

Whenever you have to create a lead magnet, make sure you are providing value to the audience. That’s because if they don’t value the magnet, they won’t have a positive impression about your brand. So, when the brand image has a negative impression, your business will suffer. For instance, the sales will plummet, and the revenue will be lower. 

That’s because even if your half-designed magnets offer hundreds of leads, they won’t convert. For this reason, you must not provide outdated resources. Also, don’t keep offering the same resources that you’ve mentioned on the lead generation form. On top of everything, content or resources must be relevant to your brand offerings. Not to forget, it should be easy to understand. 

11. Leverage Content Marketing

Every digital marketing company focuses on content marketing, and there’s a reason behind it. That’s because the audience needs to educate themselves about your brand's services and products. It will help them determine if they are ready to get into your sales funnel or not. In simpler words, it helps them decide if they should purchase your products or services. 

Content marketing will provide a voice to your brand, so you can keep communicating with the target audience. In addition, it will help create a long-term relationship. Content marketing is all about creating valuable content that’s relevant to the target audience. It can include podcasts, infographics, videos, eBooks, blog posts, and webinars. This helps attract potential customers so they start engaging. 

This is important because the potential customers use the internet to find out solutions and answers to their questions. For this reason, you’ve to initiate a conversation and educate them till they make a purchase. In addition, it’s important to create different types of content for different phases of buyer’s journey. It will ensure that customers reach the end of the sales funnel. 

12. Use Email Marketing

It doesn’t matter what the social media trends say; you have to leverage email marketing. Email marketing is one of the most reliable ways of reaching out to the target audience. That’s because email marketing offers highest conversion rate. Also, it’s about sending email messages to specific audiences to create a relationship with the brand. 

It helps foster relationships with the target customers. That’s because when someone subscribes to your email address, it means that they are interested in your brand. In simpler words, they thought about it ten times before they gave you the contact information. So, we recommend that you use their information to create personalized emails that increases conversion. 

While designing the email marketing campaign, you can hire digital marketing specialists in US. That’s because they know how to ensure coordination, strategic approach, action-centric steps, and relevancy. On top of everything, the email marketing campaign must be clear and transparent. As far as the tone is concerned, you should use a friendly and conversational tone. 

The end of the email should always have a powerful CTA because it motivates your audience to take a step. It will help you increase the chances of sales as well. 

13. Send Welcome Emails

Lead generation is easy, but nurturing and retaining those leads isn’t very convenient. This is why we recommend sending out welcome emails because they help create a contact point between the potential customers and the brand. In addition to this, the brands that take out time to greet the customers will always have a positive impression. 

14. Lead Qualification 

Lead qualification begins with inbound marketing, and it’s about your audience filling out the forms. In addition, it can be downloading of the free resource. In addition, we recommend giving your customers the opportunity to ask for more details. This is important because customer engagement is easy when done in the beginning. 

Ideally, you should stay in contact during different stages of the sales funnel, so you can increase sales. For this purpose, it’s better to identify which people are sales-ready. You can check their response to the call-to-action statements, or the lead scoring technique is also a good choice. Lastly, you can check their activity on the website and how they usually engage with the content. 

Overall, generating leads is pretty easy, but you’ve to be careful during the nurturing journey. It’s better to map out the lead nurturing journey, so you can position your brands in a strategic manner!

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